News & Press
10 IVECO S-WAY LNG delivered to Angelucci Trasporti Srl
10 IVECO S-WAY LNG delivered to Angelucci Trasporti Srl
It was held in Vasto (Chieti), at the headquarters of the dealer IVECO Tessitore Spa, the delivery of 10 IVECO S-WAY LNG to Angelucci Trasporti Srl, company specialized in national and international transport and logistics. The delivery ceremony was held in full...
Archivio News
10 IVECO S-WAY LNG delivered to Angelucci Trasporti Srl
10 IVECO S-WAY LNG delivered to Angelucci Trasporti Srl
It was held in Vasto (Chieti), at the headquarters of the dealer IVECO Tessitore Spa, the delivery of 10 IVECO S-WAY LNG to Angelucci Trasporti Srl, company specialized in national and international transport and logistics. The delivery ceremony was held in full...